
Your journey begins

Join us on any one of our current projects or even start your own. We are looking for smart and enthusiastic volunteers and students to become part of the AWCRC and help us fill vital research gaps in the South African bushveld area!


Lydia Addison – University of Exeter

Braam and René, Thank you for all your kindness and support over the past few months! It has been a real adventure, and one I will never forget. I think I have had quite a different experience to many other…

Capucine Gonon – l’Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

Thank you so much for these 3 amazing months. I learned so much from all of you. Thank you to Maria for Kruger, and all these amazing moments spent together. Thank you, Morena for all the Disney jokes and all…


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Discover Africa

Meet different people, cultures, traditions, and explore new landscapes. Our students come from all over the world. South Africa has so much to offer international travellers. We are close to several national parks and places of interest. Mapungubwe (a world heritage site) is less than 60km from home-base. The Kruger National Park and the Blyde river canyon are only some of the destinations that our visitors have easy access to…

Notes from the field

Here you can find, read, and comment on some of the things our staff, students and volunteers have been getting up to!


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Follow us

Check out our Instagram and Facebook pages for regular updates on what is happening at the AWCRC. From the silly to the serious… it is all on our social media pages!

Current Projects

We offer a variety of projects, whether you are doing your good for the environment by volunteering, or Students looking to flesh out their field experience!

More about us

Alldays Wildlife and Communities Research Centre was established with one aim: To allow students and volunteers to gain in-depth knowledge of the community and natural splendour of the South African bushveld while being immersed in a community of like-minded individuals from across the globe.

We host Durham University’s Primate and Predator Project which is primarily focused on human-wildlife conflict research. The establishment of independent research is a major focus of 2020 and we have a team dedicated to establishing new research projects.

Research is conducted on the Campfornis game farm but also extends to surrounding properties. While we are primarily a research operation, community engagement plays an important role and we are regularly going to local schools to teach children about their place in the preservation of valuable natural assets.

We invite all prospective students and volunteers to join our dynamic group and come and experience the bushveld in all its wonderful mystery and diversity.

We look forward to meeting you!